Man, oh man. Things are so hectic around here. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day. I have so many things to do, it seems I will never get them done. Anyway, I told Joe I would help with this blogspot and it seems that time just keeps getting away from me. (and it looks like Joe also) I just wanted to be politically incorrect for a sec. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
And if you don't believe in Christmas, happy holidays. I know there are people out there that have Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and such, and I don't want to leave those people out. But, please let me keep Christmas. It seems people won't return the sentiment when you wish them a merry Christmas. We need to all get along especially this time of year. We all celebrate differently and there is nothing wrong with that. That being said, Merry Christmas.
P.S. My daughter, Which I haven't seen in about 13 years, contacted me through my myspace page. I WAS AND AM SO EXCITED!!!! It seems to be a slow process with our relationship, but I have faith that it will get better with time. So, please, If you divorce, please, do not deprive your ex of their child. ( with certain exceptions of course, i.e. child abuse, which should NEVER be tolerated.) All I can say is that her finding me is the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for.
I went grocery shopping today
16 hours ago