I heard something interesting on the radio today. ( I'm not sure if its true. )I heard about a PBS special called SKYSCRAPERS that showed a while back that was talking about skyscrapers around the U.S. including the twin towers in New York along with their locations. The program showed some of the design flaws in the buildings. In the program, they talked about how the buildings had been evacuated at least once during a windstorm because of the swaying of the buildings in New York. They also showed how through the design of the structures, they were to PANCAKE if they were to be hit by a POSSIBLE AIRLINER by ACCIDENT. Could this be a coincidence? If Al-Qaida was to have seen this would the media not think that they might use this information? They would definitely use the info to study it at least. IF THIS IS TRUE (which I hope not) why would the media let this info out. Why would the government let this information out? Blame is being placed from the little people all the way up to our President, still. Could it be the incompetence of the media and everyone involved in shows like this for the 9-11 attack? Or is this just another conspiracy theory? Who knows. But it makes one think anyway.