I’m going to use this space doing a short plug for one of my favorite blogs, run by Cam Edwards and co-contributor Farrah, at http://camedwards.com. I try to visit this site daily, as he keeps it updated with interesting topics and thoughts, which are well written and not filled with unnecessary drivel.
Let me clear the air right now and say that I do not know Mr. Edwards, nor have I ever met him. He runs a news show for the NRA called Cam & Company, which is an excellent program to listen to. The content of the show should be fairly obvious, it being for the NRA, so I will not go into a detailed rhetoric about the content. The show can be heard on Sirius Patriot 144 or online at http://NRAnews.com, so if you haven’t heard the show yet you should definitely tune in and listen.
Why should you listen to his show or read his blog? Because he’s about as American as they come. He tells it like it is, pulls no punches, and offers no insincere apologetics. It appears that Cam is not afraid to offend those who do not agree with his viewpoints, and frankly, that is a trait hard to find in this day and age of political correctness.
Mr. Edwards is doing a great service for this country and I salute him for it, our nation needs more men and women like him.
I just got back from the San Antonio VA
1 day ago