This may be old news to a few, but the majority of U.S. citizens don’t realize that the Supreme Court, as well as many other lower courts throughout the country, have ruled that police are not required to protect an individual. Why is this important? It is important because it means that the only person responsible for protecting you is you.
Let’s get started this way: The police cars you see driving around with words similar to “To Protect and Serve” is a load of bull. Our police forces are not sworn to protect us from what might happen. Their presence might prevent a crime from taking place in some instances, but it is not their duty to prevent crime from happening. Think about it, they aren’t fortune tellers, they don’t see into the future, they don’t know what might or might not happen from one moment to the next. Their job is to either stop a crime in progress or apprehend a person or persons whom have already committed a crime.
Now let’s look at the average police officer. He or she is not Robocop, Super Fuzz, or Captain America. The average police officer is more likely to be your average family man. He wants to take care of his family, and to do this he has to be in good health, and most importantly, he has to be alive. What this means is when he is doing his job, he wants to do it the safest way possible. Unnecessary risks are not a part of his vocabulary. He wants to go home to his family each day in one piece. What does this mean to the public? It means slow response times (from the time you dial 911, if you get through that is, to the time it takes him to get to you once he gets the call from his dispatcher). It means he would rather get to your house after the criminal has left, so that he isn’t in as much danger of encountering harm. This cop doesn’t want to walk into an unknown and potentially hostile situation if he can help it. He doesn’t know the layout of your house, he doesn’t know about you dog’s demeanor and whether it’s indoors or out. He doesn’t know how many criminals, where they are, how they are armed, or their state of mind. Therefore, his best course of action is to wait until the criminal has left so he can write a report and collect evidence, then return home safely to his family. This way he can search for the criminal later and hopefully have the opportunity to apprehend him in a safer and more controlled environment.
The liberal media doesn’t want you to know this, and neither do any of the left-wing politicians, nor the anti-gunners. These people want to leave you defenseless and ill-equipt to protect yourself, your family, and your home. They want to fill your head with lies and fairy tales of how the police will always be there to protect you. They want you to believe that the little phone in your hand with 911 on speed-dial is the only thing you need to thwart of the criminal element. They’ll have you believe that as soon as you call 911 that the police will instantly appear and capture the bad guy before can take another step.
Don’t listen to the liberal, left-wing, and anti-gun idiots. Let’s use some logic here, and say that an armed criminal has broken into your nice single family home in the middle of the night. The criminal is acting very aggressive, and you have no way of knowing what his intentions are. What you do know is your children are across the house now screaming and crying and afraid of the man tearing your house apart looking for valuables. He hears them crying and screaming, so he heads in their direction to shut them up. How do you think he’s going to do this? He sure isn’t going to sit down on the bed with them and read them a book to soothe them back to sleep. What do you do, do you pick up the phone and dial 911 hoping you get through, then sit and wait for 30 to 45 minutes for the police to arrive? Do you grab a baseball bat or kitchen knife and approach the bad guy, only to get shot and killed because his gun shoots farther than you can reach with your household item? Do you grab the pepper spray and hose him down only to find out he’s so doped up on drugs that it only makes him mad and he goes into a rage and kills your kids and then you? Or do you grab the 1911-A1 .45 ACP out of the nightstand drawer next your bed and shoot the criminal before he can harm you or your family? I think the best choice is quite obvious: family and self-preservation should be the logical choice, and the only way to do that is to eliminate the element of danger, in this case the bad-guy invading your home, using the fastest and most effective means possible.
It’s up to you to protect yourself and your family. No one else is going to do it for you. No one else is required to, either. I cannot stress that point enough. Take off those rose colored glasses, you’ll see that this is a dangerous world, it always has been and always will be.
I went grocery shopping today
1 day ago