Mel Gibson seems to have a problem with alcoholism. He also seems to have a problem with those of the Jewish faith. You can read all about it here. Shame on you Mel, go get some help and get it quick. While you're at it, go read some books about the holocaust. Then go meet some real Jewish people and maybe you'll open your eyes some and see that they aren't the cause of all the world's problems.
But Mel apologized for his behavior you say? Sorry Mel, your apology isn't good enough. There is no excuse for endagering the public just because you want to drive somewhere drunk. You got off way too easy pal, and having to say you're sorry isn't a lesson well enough learned. Maybe next time you won't be so lucky when you go off in a drunken rage and run over some innocent family on their way home from the church or the temple. But you'd like that wouldn't you Mel? You'd like to run over that nice family that on it's way home from their son's Bar Mitzvah, that way you could have a clean conscience by blaming it on the alcoholism. You chose to pick up the bottle Mel, you knew what would happen. Don't blame your stupidity on the bottle Mel, it's your own fault you do the things you do.
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23 hours ago