The hot topic as of late seems to be the problem with illegal aliens crossing into the United States from Mexico. Therefore I have decided to put forth my thoughts on the subject and what should be done about it.
First of all, all of these media outlets need to quit softening the subject by calling them "illegal immigrants". They are not immigrants, they are invaders. If they were immigrants, they would be legal, but these people are not emigrating into the U.S. by legal channels, they are invading our homeland by illegal means. You got that all you liberal media jackasses?
I am not against Mexicans (or anyone else) coming to the United States by legal means, so long as they plan on becoming naturalized citizens, learn to speak English which is the official language of this country, pay taxes and follow our laws, then I will welcome them with open arms and maybe even a nice fruit basket welcoming them to the neighborhood. However, those people (invaders) that wish only to cross into the United States illegally, live off welfare or take the jobs of American citizens for peanut wages, those are the people I have no respect for. They are a heavy burden on our economy, our education system, our healthcare system, and are major sources of criminal activities including drug related crimes, as well as murders, rapes, thefts, burglaries, assault, vandalism, etc. Think about it, why would they worry about obeying our laws when they had to break the law to get here in the first place?
The United States government has the responsibility to protect it's land and it's people from these foreign invaders. When the government fails to do it's job, the burden falls on it's citizens. Unfortunately, the government is tying our hands with asinine (and technically unconstitutional) laws forbidding us from patrolling and defending our borders ourselves. The fault doesn't lie with the United States government completely though. The other major problem is the country that sponsors these illegal invasions our homeland, which, you guessed it, is Mexico. Mexico in and of itself is not the nice friendly neighbor our and their governments would like you to think it is.
The Mexican government knows all too well that their citizens invading our country are putting a major stress on all of our resources, and frankly, they don't care. Mexican officials do nothing to try and stop their citizens from invading our land, in fact they tend to look the other way while it's happening. Mexico doesn't want the responsibility of dealing with the burden of caring for it's own people. For them, the more of their citizens that leave their borders, the less strain their system is subjected to. Following me so far?
So obviously we can't count on Mexico doing anything about it's people invading our country, and it is obvious that our country isn't willing to do enough to protect us from the thousands of foreign invaders flooding into our country on a daily basis. We as citizens of the United States must not allow this trend to continue, if we want to keep our country ours. If we would all band together and do the following things, we might actually still have a chance at saving America while reducing the strain on our limited and ever declining resources:
Number one, we all need to tell the government just how strongly we feel about this issue. Pissing and moaning to our next door neighbor isn't going to help. We all have to flood our politicians with these complaints, and these complaints must be both sincere and demanding.
Two, we need to quit letting our lawmakers tie our hands unnecessarily. Right now, forming our own militia would not be such a bad thing. This is why our forefathers created the 2nd Amendment, among others, so that we, the citizens of the United States of America, would have the power to rise up and defend ourselves against any and all threats to our country, both foreign and domestic, as well as to go so far as to overthrow our own government, should it become too corrupt or tyrannical. (I believe we've already let our government become too powerful and corrupt as it is, but that's a topic for another discussion later on).
We need to build a wall along the border. Not a chain link fence with razor wire on top, but a steel reinforced concrete wall at least 15' thick and 40' high, with armed patrols both on top and at ground level. We need to implement IR and motion sensors along the wall to alert the patrols of possible activity. This wall would need to extend all the way from Brownsville, TX to Imperial Beach, CA. Yes, this would be a long, hard project, and cost the taxpayers a huge amount of money, but in the long run it will actually ease the burden on our system and improve the quality of American life. This might sound ridiculous at first, but in reality would be very effective. Just look at the wall that separates North and South Korea for an effective example.
We need to crack down illegals already inside our borders. Our government already knows where a large percentage of them reside and work, we just need convince our government to deport their sorry butts back to wherever they came from. Get the INS people off their duffs and make them hunt down the rest. Offer rewards for information leading to the arrest and deportation of anyone found to be in this country illegally.
These are but a few of the most effective things we can implement to help secure our borders and our nation's future. Time is running out, we need to act now or be willing suffer the consequences of our inaction.
I went grocery shopping today
1 day ago