Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fidel Castro Steps Aside

Read the news article here. It seems that Fidel Castro's health just keeps declining as his body becomes frail with age. I'm sure the stress of being a high and mighty communist dictator of a small island has played a significant role too. While he (most likely temporarily) steps aside, he leaves his power in the hands of his younger brother Raul who isn't quite the picture of youth himself. If Raul is anything like his brother at all, I'm still not sure there's too much to rejoice about at this point. I'd save up the party supplies for when the man actually keels over for good. Will the end of Fidel Castro, whenever that is, be the end of communist rule in Cuba? I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath. I can see the balance of power leapfrogging down from one communist party official to the next over the next few decades, and the people will remain unjustly oppressed.