Not long ago I was having a discussion with several persons whom represent PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). I asked them several questions which they were unable to answer, and it got me to thinking just how hypocritical these people really are. A couple of them were vegetarians and that's where it really got twisted. It went something like this:
Me: You believe that killing animals for food is wrong?
Them: Yes, it's cruel to kill animals for any reason.
Me: Do you have any pets like cats or dogs?
Them: Sure, I love animals and enjoy their companionship.
Me: You take good care of them don't you, I mean take them to the veterinarian regularly and feed them well, right?
Them: Oh yes, absolutely. I love my pets like I love my own children!
Me: What do you feed them?
Them: Mostly canned foods, like Alpo or Purina. They like the soft foods better than the dry, so that's what I give them.
Me: So you're saying you feed your pets meat?
Them: I guess so, that's what they like.
Me: So then it's okay to kill other animals for food?
Them: No, killing animals is cruel for any reason!
Me: But you just said you feed meat to your pets.
Them: --silence--
Me: It seems to me if you feed meat to your pets then you're advocating the killing of animals for food.
Them: That's different though!
Me: How so? You already said that killing animals for any reason is cruel.
Them: Umm, uhh, well you see, uhh.. dogs and cats are omnivorous and need meat in their diet.
Me: Actually most dogs and cats are carnivorous by nature and are forced omnivorous diets when domesticated, but you bring up a good point. Humans have always been omnivorous for all of recorded history, and you're trying to force vegetarianism on people saying it's ethical, while saying that it's wrong to force vegetarianism on animals. Seems a little bit hypocritical don't you think?
Them: It's would be unethical to force animals to eat a diet un-natural to them!
Me: Isn't that exactly what you're trying to force on people though?
Them: Well, yes, but...
Me: Look, you said earlier that it's wrong to kill animals for any reason. Then you said it's okay to kill animals to feed other animals. Which is it, either killing for food is right or wrong, which side of the line are standing on?
Them: --silence--
Me: That's okay, your saying nothing is answer enough.
So what it basically boiled down to is that they don't know what they're doing. They have an agenda that doesn't fit into the confines of the real world. They say one thing and practice another. That's pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
When they quit picking on the human race and spread out to all life on earth then maybe we'll see something entertaining. Maybe they should start another branch organized to stop animals from hurting other animals. I'd like to see them teach a pack of starving coyotes that it's unethical for them to slaughter a farmer's cows for food. And why not? They already chastise the farmer for shooting the varmints that threaten his livestock. Maybe they should go to Africa and start a picket line between a pack of bloodthirsty lions and a herd of Gazelles. If they're going to stop animal killing, they're going to have to concentrate on more than just humans.
What these PETA people, especially the strict vegetarian ones fail to realize is that even herbivores turn carnivorous from time to time. It's not as uncommon as one might think to see a rabbit doe eat her young, more common among the older ones. I've seen deer eating birds or small rodents. There are just some things that a strict vegetarian diet doesn't provide that only meat products have. Natural herbivores instinctively know this and turn to meat when their bodies start craving certain nutrients, so it's ignorant to think that natural omnivores like humans would be healthier by not eating meat which is an important part of our diet. That's why we're called omnivores, because we have the need to eat meats and plants both. Humans aren't naturally herbivorous, and neither are dogs or cats. So if you vegetarian hypocrites want to push your agenda then you need to expand it to the whole animal kingdom, not just humans. Why the double standard?
Why am I not surprised, this coming from people who represent an organization that kills more animals than it helps.
I just got back from the San Antonio VA
8 hours ago