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It seems that some Palestinian group has taken hostages and is trying to negotiate the release of the hostages in return for the release of all the Muslim prisoners detained by the United States.
Now I know that this is really going to boil some people's blood, but the solution to these hostage situations is simple: Do not negotiate hostage situations, period. If countries would quit negotiating for hostages, then there would be no need for hostage taking in the first place.
This is war, and we are all in it whether we want to be or not. It's important to understand that civilians are a part of the war, not just military personnel. It doesn't matter if you are a war correspondent or a factory worker in Podunk, Oregon, because if a terror group sees an opportunity to take a civilian hostage then that's what they'll do. But when they realize that taking hostages gives them no leverage whatsoever, then they'll stop wasting time and resources doing so.
I'd rather be tortured and beheaded by a terrorist group than to help strengthen their cause by giving in to their demands. To fight an enemy, one has to understand the enemy, be able to think like the enemy, and fight the enemy by destroying any tactical advantage they might have, that includes hostage situations.
As an example, Israel had the right idea with the way they invaded Lebanon. They hit the Hezbollah fast and hard, their goal was to annihilate the enemy as quickly as possible so that they in turn suffered as few casualties as possible. That is until the U.N. stuck their corrupt little political fingers into the pudding and screwed it up for Israel while giving the Hezbollah a chance to regroup, resupply, and strengthen. Israel should've told the U.N. to shove it and pushed forward with everything they had until they accomplished their goal.
That's exactly what the U.S. needs to do, is throw everything we've got at the terrorists, annihilate them as quickly as possible, and quit giving the enemy what they want by stopping the negotiating for hostage releases. It's war, people die, that's why it isn't called peace. That's why the U.N. needs to back off and disband, the liberals and leftists need to open their eyes and see that this isn't a utopian world in which we live, each and every one of us needs to show support for our troops, and most of all, we all need to be willing to sacrifice our all to protect freedom and abolish terror. This isn't strictly a military war or religious war, it's a war on all free people of the world.
No hostage negotiations, no compromises. Destroy the enemy's leverage and you'll soon destroy the enemy. Let me repeat what I said earlier: If countries would quit negotiating for hostages, then there would be no need for hostage taking in the first place.
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