I don't know about y'all, but I get mighty sick every time I think about how easy criminals in this country have it. All these liberals seem hell-bent on making sure criminals in this country get lots of sympathy and comfy accommodations during their brief periods of incarceration. That is, if they even get sent to prison in the first place.
I've visited several of the prisons in this country, and I have to tell you, I was surprised at how good they had it. It's no wonder they didn't mind being prisoners, heck, if I fell on hard times, I wouldn't mind being a prisoner either in some of these prison-resorts.
Let's look at some of the things these criminals are being punished with:
A roof over their head.
A warm bed to sleep in every night.
3 full meals each day.
Hot showers daily.
Recreation facilities that in many cases are better equipped than public recreation centers.
Air-conditioned buildings in the summer.
Heated-buildings in the winter.
Cable T.V. is provided in many instances.
Medical and dental care.
High school diploma and college education programs.
How much do they have to pay for all this? Nothing, zero, zip, nada. They get it all for free at our, the taxpayers' expense. They don't have to go to work every day, they don't have to worry about paying the bills. They get it all handed to them just for being bad. Heck, in some ways they have it better off than about half of the working class stiffs do.
Many of these criminals are in prison their third, fourth, etc., times because they can't handle the responsibilities of the real world. They don't WANT to have to deal with the responsibilities of living in society. I've talked to numerous inmates that felt that way, but one will always be the most memorable.
My (now ex) step-daughter's biological father was released from prison several years ago. When he got out I did everything I could to lend him a hand to get him on his feet, he just didn't want to deal with it. All he'd talk about was trying to figure what kind of crime he could commit so he could go back to prison. I asked him, I said "Look, you just got released, why are you so intent on going back? Why don't you enjoy your new-found freedom for a while? Go straight, try and live a decent life." He wouldn't hear of it. He basically told me everything I've already told you. He couldn't handle the pressures of being free. He felt alone, and vulnerable in a big, open world. He didn't have guards protecting him every night, the excuses just went on and on. He couldn't handle the responsibility of working a real job, paying bills, or anything else. He wanted everything handed to him. In prison he didn't have a care in the world, never worried where his next meal would come from.
So a few days later he robbed a liquor store, took all the money, beat the owner nearly to death with a club, and walked down the road with a bottle of whiskey in his hand getting drunk until the cops picked him up a couple hours later. All so he could once again have all his needs taken care of for him.
As long as liberal lawmakers continue to oppress the free and look after the humanitarian treatment of criminals in this country, the problem is never going to be solved. We need harsher punishments for first time offenders. We need to take away all the comforts that these prisons offer. It would do wonders for reducing crime in this country if criminals had only harsh punishments to look forward to, instead of living on easy-street. Yeah, it's not so bad when your only worry is about getting shanked by a fellow inmate with a grudge. That's just one worry out of hundreds of others faced by living in society.
Get rid of the recreation facilities. Get rid of TV entertainment. Get rid of the educational opportunities (that one really gets me, all we're doing is producing smarter criminals). Make them get out in the hot sun and freezing cold 7 days a week for 14 or 16 hours a day doing hard manual labor. Take away their A/C and heat. Take away their padded bunks and give them a concrete floor to sleep on. Take away their nice meals and feed them dry dog food once a day. Get rid of the free medical and dental care; let them suffer, if they suffer in agony or die, too bad, they gave up their rights when they became criminals. Let them bathe once a month, and rot in their own filth the rest of the time.
If they committed a crime like murder, child molestation, etc. give them the death sentence. Don't give them a second chance to re-enter society so they can do it again. The same goes for multiple offenders of lesser crimes, if they've proven they can't reform, don't waste our tax dollars caring for them for the rest of their lives, give them the death sentence.
Harsh punishments like these will come a long way to making would-be criminals stop and think before they act. Yes, there will still be crime. There will still be crimes committed in the heat of the moment, and out of desperation, but I can guarantee there will be far less of them, and even less second offenders.
Quit treating those who defend themselves against criminals as if they themselves were criminals too. A man who has to take matters into his own hands to defend his family, life, home, and property should be praised and rewarded for the hero that he is, instead of being subjected to lengthily and unnecessary trials and investigations which rip apart his home and family life, as well as being scrutinized and condemned by the liberal media.
Compassion and humanitarian efforts are not for our country's criminals; save them for the needy and hungry citizens of this country who really need the help.
I went grocery shopping today
17 hours ago