Yes, you heard me right, I'm giving credit where credit is due. Everyone wants to blame Bush for all the world's woes; well I say let's blame it on Busch.
1. I have a terrible hangover. The NSA mind-probes that Bush controls must be the cause right? Wrong. Blame it on Busch.
2. I was in a fight at a bar and got arrested. Was it the gang-stalkers picking on me that were sent by the Bush administration? Nope it was a bunch of drunks. Blame it on Busch.
3. Some inebriated driver lost control of his vehicle and ran over a group of small children. Surely that was the mind-control technologies that Bush is in charge of that made him do it, right? Sorry, gotta blame it on Busch.
4. Is it Bush's fault that the divorce rate is as high as it is here in America? I've heard people trying to blame Bush for it, but I have a hunch it's more likely Busch's fault.
5. Alcoholism is a problem in the United States. Which is more likely the case: is it Bush's fault or Busch's fault? You be the judge.
6. All the litter on the side of the road after a long weekend must surely be Bush's doing you say. I say it's Busch's fault though, and the labels on the cans and bottles prove it.
So there you have it: it's all Busch's fault.
With all the problems that Busch has caused, I say we sit back and enjoy a nice ice cold Samuel Adams instead. Then we can all sit back and say it isn't Busch's fault after all. It's Sam Adams' fault. My, what a vicious circle this could become.
I went grocery shopping today
1 day ago